Reinhard Bruhn

Reinhard Bruhn

Orthopedics specialist
Joint practice for orthopedics, sports traumatology and trauma surgery
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Welcome message

Welcome to the joint orthopedics practice. In classical orthopedics, we are concerned with the detection, treatment and rehabilitation of acquired and congenital changes in shape and functional disorders, diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Opening hours

Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

From 01.06.24: Thursday 1 p.m. — 4 p.m.

Appointments by appointment

Services offered

Orthopädische Schmerztherapie

Video profile

More information

Our goal in orthopedic treatment is to restore lost or impaired functions as far as possible through appropriate measures.

Modern, innovative medicine is moving ever further away from individual selective treatments and towards systemic, coherent approaches.

On the side of medical progress, we are also happy to be there for you with comprehensive, holistic solution strategies!

general information

  • Statutory & private insurance
  • Languages: German/ English/ Spanish/ Portuguese
  • Digital patient records
  • Naturopathy


  • Group orthopedic practice at Eterno since April 2023
  • 2008 Hamburg City practice move
  • 1993 Hamburg-West practice branch
  • Orthopedics specialist: Hamburg Medical Association
  • Orthopaedics specialist training:
  • Stade Municipal Hospital: Department of Accident/Abdominal Surgery
  • Endoklinik Hamburg: Department of Orthopaedics/Joint Surgery
  • Diakonissen-Anstalt Flensburg: Department of Neurosurgery
  • Norddt. Spine Center Hospital Sahlenburg: 1st and 2nd orthopedic department
  • Compulsory military service as a military doctor Neumünster
  • Approval as a doctor - Gesundheitsbehörde Hamburg
  • Study of human medicine:
  • University of Marburg
  • Hannover Medical School
  • University of Hamburg
  • Studied at Kiel University of Biology
  • Certification:
  • Certification of practice 2011 in accordance with the requirements of DIN ISO 9001:2008
  • Additional qualifications/additional titles:
  • Sports Medicine — Hamburg Medical Association
  • Chirotherapy — Hamburg Medical Association
  • Naturopathy — Hamburg Medical Association
  • Acupuncture — Hamburg Medical Association
  • Full education A + B diploma
  • Member of the Acupuncture GbR Düsseldorf research group

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