Dr. med. Sibylle Kolitsch

Dr. med. Sibylle Kolitsch

Ophthalmology specialist
Westend ophthalmology practice
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Welcome message

A warm welcome to your ophthalmological practice “Westend Dr. Sibylle Kolitsch”. As an ophthalmology specialist, I am happy to assist you with my professional knowledge and many years of experience from practice and clinic.

Opening hours

Monday & Tuesday 09:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 16:30

Wednesday & Friday 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Thursday 09:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 19:30

Further appointments by appointment

Services offered

Zur Senkung des Augeninnendruckes kommen neben Augentropfen auch moderne Lasertechniken zum Einsatz. Hierunter fallen YAG- Laser- Iridotomie, sowie SLT - Lasertechnik (selektive Laser- Trabekuloplastik). Auch diese Verfahren können direkt in der Praxis durchgeführt werden.
"Manchmal kommt es nach einer grauen Star- Operation zur Eintrübung der Kapsel, diese kann aber schnell behandelt werden. Hierunter fällt YAG- Kapsulotomie. Diese Behandlung erfolgt ebenfalls in der Praxis."
Bei vielen Augenerkrankungen (Maculadegeneration, Glaukom) ist ein frühes Erkennen sehr wichtig, um Spätschäden zu vermeiden. Diese können mittels hochauflösenden Geräten schmerzfrei diagnostiziert werden: OCT ( optische Kohärenztomographie) zur hochauflösenden Darstellung von Netzhaut- und Sehnervenkopf- Strukturen OCT - Angiographie zur nichtinvasiven und schmerzfreien Darstellung retinaler Gefäße.

Video profile

More information

At the center of my work is you as a patient who, with all your questions and problems, can count on competence and transparency. I will use the latest technology and the latest scientific findings for this purpose. The range of services includes retinal treatments using laser procedures and innovative drugs, glaucoma and post-star therapy using lasers, and eyelid surgery. I would also be happy to help you with appointments to be arranged individually. I am looking forward to your visit soon.

general information

  • Private patients & self-payers
  • Languages: German/ English
  • retinal specialist
  • State-of-the-art laser technology


  • From 07/2023 private doctor's practice in Frankfurt am Main at Eterno ‍
  • 03/2009- 04/2023 Employed ophthalmology specialist in various practices and clinics in the Rhine-Main area ‍
  • 01/2004- 03/2009 Specialist training at the eye clinic of the Frankfurt am Main Höchst Municipal Clinics and St. Mary's Hospital in Frankfurt am Main ‍
  • 04/2016 - 04/2023 Ophthalmology specialist employed at Accuramed MVZ in Friedrichsdorf and Bad Homburg ‍
  • 08/2011- 03/2016 Registered ophthalmology specialist ÜBAG Dres. Hintz/ Arend in Friedrichsdorf and Bad Homburg ‍
  • 03/2009- 07/2011 Ophthalmology specialist at St. Marienkankenhaus in Frankfurt am Main ‍
  • 10/2007- 03/2009 Assistant doctor at the eye clinic of St. Mary's Hospital in Frankfurt am Main ‍
  • 01/2004-09/2007 Assistant doctor at the Eye Clinic of the Frankfurt am Main Höchst City Clinics ‍
  • 4/1997- 11/2003 Studied human medicine at Justus - Liebig - University of Gießen

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