Dr. med. Rieke Hermann

Dr. med. Rieke Hermann

Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist
Holistic gynaecologist practice Frankfurt
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Welcome message

Welcome to my practice website for holistic gynecology. I will guide you on your individual journey to health and well-being and take the time to provide detailed and sensitive advice.

Opening hours

Monday: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.


069 3639376 11

Services offered

Vaginale Osteopathie
Vaginale Lasertherapie
Schwangerschafts- und Wochenbettbetreuung / 3D Sonografie
Die Kinderwunschabklärung umfasst zunächst ein ausführliches Erstgespräch, bei welchem der Partner vorzugsweise anwesend ist. In diesem werden die weiteren Schritte besprochen und Basisuntersuchungen eingeleitet. Dazu zählen Hormonanalysen, ein Spermiogramm des Mannes (externes andrologisches Labor) sowie ggf. eine Untersuchung der Eileiterdurchgängigkeit mittels Ultraschall. Anschließend bespreche ich eingehend mit Ihnen die Ergebnisse und nehme mir Zeit für Ihre Fragen. Je nachdem, was Ihre Befunde aufweisen, erstelle ich anschließend unter Berücksichtigung Ihrer individuellen Wünsche und Bedürfnisse gemeinsam mit Ihnen ein ganzheitliches und natürliches Behandlungskonzept. Dieser Termin eignet sich für Paare, die aktiv in der Kinderwunschzeit begleitet und unterstützt werden möchten.
Prävention & Vorsorge Termin
Beckenbodensprechstunde und -ultraschall

Video profile

More information

As a patient and woman, I focus on you. Thanks to my many years of experience in gynecology and obstetrics and my extensive continuing education in holistic medicine, I offer you treatment and advice tailored to your needs. I will guide you on your individual journey to health and well-being and take the time to provide detailed and sensitive advice.

My range of services covers the entire spectrum of conventional gynaecological care and pregnancy care: from the treatment of breast and reproductive organs, hormonal disorders and the desire to have children, to pre- and aftercare for gynaecological infections and cancers. A particular focus of my work is the diagnosis and conservative treatment of pelvic floor problems. I also offer you a wide range of alternative treatment options, including acupuncture, neural therapy, yoga therapy and nutritional medicine, which can also be used wonderfully as a supplement. Chronic vaginal complaints can often be significantly improved through internal laser therapy or osteopathic treatments.

Feel free to make an appointment at my practice and let us take care of your health together!

general information

  • PKV and self-payers
  • German/ English/ Spanish
  • Acupuncture/Neural Therapy/Nutritional Medicine
  • Vaginal laser therapy


  • Since 01.09.2023 Branch in the private practice for holistic gynecology at Eterno ‍
  • 2019-2023 Work as an employed doctor in gynecology and obstetrics in the joint practice of Dr. Schönes and Kelzenberg in Frankfurt ‍
  • 2017-2023 Diploma in nutritional medicine DAEM/DGEM®; acupuncture diploma from CAN; neural therapy training at DGfan ‍
  • 2014-2018 Work as an employed doctor in gynecology and obstetrics at Frankfurt Höchst Hospital
  • ‍ 11.2013 State Exam at Albert Ludwig University Freiburg
  • ‍ 2009 — 2013 Doctorate in “Hematology and Oncology” at Freiburg University Hospital on the topic of “Rituximab in ITP Therapy”
  • ‍ 2007-2013 Studied human medicine in Hamburg, Freiburg and Madrid
  • mother of two children

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