Dr. med. Michael Schmidt

Dr. med. Michael Schmidt

Orthopedics specialist
Orthopedic practice
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Welcome message

Welcome to my orthopedic practice! As an orthopedist, I attach great importance to modern and patient-oriented treatment. Together with my experienced team, we are here for you and do everything we can to offer you the best possible care.

Opening hours

Mondays 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Services offered

Extrakorporale Stoßwellentherapie
Kleine dermato-chirurgische Eingriffe
Diagnose und Therapie akuter und chronischer Beschwerden des Bewegungsapparates
Orthopädische Schmerztherapie
Prävention & Vorsorge Termin

Video profile

More information

  • Specialist in orthopedics, chirotherapy, physical medicine and sports medicine
  • Transit doctor for the treatment of work and school accidents
  • Attending doctor at Hochtaunusklinik Bad Homburg
  • Regular continuing education & participation in national and international conferences
  • Seminar leader with regular surgical broadcasts in auditoriums to train students and doctors
  • Member of the national and international Society of Foot Surgery
  • Member of the Paediatric Orthopedics Association
  • Volunteer work to treat injured children via Friedensdorf International and Human Cargo Care Lufthansa

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