Andree Kreckel

Andree Kreckel

Specialist in internal medicine and pneumology
Pulmonological specialist practice A. Kreckel
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Welcome message

Welcome to my website for internal medicine and pneumology. As a specialist in pulmonology and internal medicine, I will be happy to assist you with all aspects of our central respiratory system thanks to my many years of experience in clinic and practice.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Thursday 07:00 - 12:30; 14:30-17:30

Friday 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Services offered

Prävention & Vorsorge Termin
Diagnostik respiratorische Insuffizienzen
Ambulante Polygraphie
Röntgen- und CT der Lunge (In Kooperation)

Video profile

More information

As a specialist in pulmonology and internal medicine, I will be happy to assist you with all aspects of our central respiratory system thanks to my many years of experience in clinic and practice.

However, due to my broad education and competence, I not only focus on my “favorite organ”, I always see the “whole person” with all their physical and emotional concerns at the center of everything I do. This was done in close cooperation with colleagues here at the Hub but also with external colleagues. My range of services includes the entire range of outpatient pneumological care as well as allergological diagnostics and treatment as well as the diagnosis of sleep-related respiratory disorders. As a result of my previous work, my work also focuses on rare lung diseases such as pulmonary hypertension or pulmonary fibrosis. In addition, due to my expertise as an intensive care specialist, outpatient care for ventilated patients is also provided in a home environment. My ultimate goal is for you to feel in good hands and understood at all times in my practice and that we work together to develop a concept for maintaining or restoring your health.

I am looking forward to getting to know you or, if we already know each other, to welcoming you to the new beautiful rooms.

general information

  • Bronchial and respiratory tract diseases such as bronchial asthma, COPD, enlargements
    of the bronchi (bronchiectasis), etc..
  • diseases of lung tissue and pulmonary vessels, including rare diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, etc., as well as malignant lung diseases such as lung cancer.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of allergies, including the implementation of
  • Outpatient diagnosis of sleep-related breathing disorders such as sleep apnea


  • From 01.01.2024 specialist practice for internal medicine and pneumology in Frankfurt am Main
    With Eterno
  • From 01.07.2020 to 31.12.2023 pulmonary practice at Stiftstraße 2 in
    Frankfurt (takeover by Dr. Schmid-Rückbeil)
  • From 01.05.2020 to 30.06.2020 Security assistant in the practice of Dr. Schmid-
    rear axe
  • From 01.08.2017 to 30.04.2020 Senior Physician at the Clinic for Pneumology, Sleep and
    Respiratory Medicine at Siegen District Hospital, Chief Physician Dr. med. Hinrichs
  • From 01.06.2015 to 01.08.2017 Chief Physician Internal Intensive Care Unit of
    Siegen District Hospital
  • 16.09.2014 Intensive Care Specialist, University Hospital Gießen and Marburg, location
  • 18.09.2013 Specialist in Internal Medicine and Pneumology, Gießen University Hospital and
    Marburg, Gießen location
  • 16.05.2012 Internal Medicine Specialist, University Hospital Gießen and Marburg, location
  • 10/1996 -11/2003 Studied human medicine at the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen

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